About Me
Hello, you can usually find me submitting myself to the toxic fumes in the Big Smoke. However, I often fly back to the nest in Oxfordshire. I’m a young professional who has a deeply rooted passion for food. I made the choice early on to take food as a way of life rather than a way of living. My passion runs far beyond restaurants and cooking, extending to food supply, news and produce. I’ll never forget my politics tutor at university questioning my justification to conduct my dissertation on farmers' markets and short food supply chains. Feed me stilton with figs and a glass of port, and I’ll be happy! I love to travel and my holidays are dictated by where to eat. In 30 years time you will find me perched in a hilltop in Provence making regular excursions to local markets, buying all the French produce I’m so obsessed with. Welcome to my world of magical adventure and food journey. |
2021. All images and text on this site belong to The Undercover Food Critic except if noted otherwise. All work is protected by copyright.