Touching down in Paris scran was needed ASAP! No research was conducted on my end so I just let The Jersey Boy lead the way, which I thought could be a crucial error as his love of food was known at times to extend to wedges and mayonnaise for dinner. Nevertheless, with the help of his novia we arrived at Benedict, a place that appeared to be highly popular with a huge queue out the door! Good things to follow.
My first day in France, and the first meal in France, what else could I go for other than something with foie gras. So I opted for this whopping burger drenched with rich and creamy foie with red onions. If you know me you will know that this would’ve brought a huuuuge smile to my face as these rich and classic flavour combinations are a favourite of mine. Thanks for the hospitality Jersey Man.
Text and photographs by The Undercover Food Critic, 16th June, 2018. More Information: @the_undercover_food_critic