About a month ago I began to make some pen pals called Will and Jack. However, that long distance platonic relationship, which was strictly bound together through snapchat ceased on Thursday, when I was finally given the opportunity to meet these two. A carnage couple of days assumed, with special mentions to Shy FX and Ben UFO for providing some truly magical moments. It all ended with a farewell brunch at the Cosy Club. The chorizo and red pepper eggs benedict were delightful on the palate, providing sweet, smoky and sour sensations. However, a special mention has to go to the berocca, that was truly sublime and just what the Dr ordered. Bois, @jjjashby @willallen94thank you for brunch and your company.
Text and photographs by The Undercover Food Critic, 27th January, 2018. More Information: @the_undercover_food_critic