Grilled Courgette with Feta Cheese
by The Undercover Food Critic
MethodStep 1:
Firstly of all you want to chop the courgettes into round shapes. Then grill the slices quickly in a pan and season well with garlic and salt. Step 2: While the courgette is cooking, fry the onions in a different pan. You do not want to overcook the onions as you are looking for the smokey grill taste to come from the courgette and not the onions. Step 3: Serve by laying down the courgettes and onions on the plate then sprinkle on crushed with feta, spring onions, and fresh uncooked peas. To finish, top these with dollops of Creme Fraiche, and sprinkle some chilli fakes and black peppers to your taste. Enjoy! |
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